8. třída

Pracujeme s učebnicemi Project 3 - 3rd ed.

16. POKYNY    15.6. - 22.6. 2020

Další pokyny zadám během pondělí 22.6.

Dear students,

This week we will work with worksheets focusing on MUST / MUSTN'T /  DON'T HAVE TO. 

School-goers: will get the worksheets copied from me at school

Home-stayers: will have to print the materials out themselves


Get the worksheets from Edupage.

15. POKYNY    8.6. - 15.6. 2020

Další pokyny zadám během pondělí 15.6.

Dear students,

This week half of you are supposed to be at school, half of you at home. You all will have the same amount of work. We all will work with worksheets focusing on SHOULD / SHOULDN'T. 

School-goers: will get the worksheets copied from me at school. I plan to work with them for at least 1 lesson this week. The 2nd lesson will be either continuation and / or conversation.

Home-stayers: will have to print the materials out themselves, fill them in and send them to me on Edupage.


Get the worksheets from Edupage - they will be added on Tuesday 9th June.

1. POKYNY - 12th March

Dobrý den, zasílám 1. podklady pro práci z AJ:

Dokončujeme 4. lekci a blíží se termín čtvrtletních písemných prací, které bývají za běžných okolností na přelomu březen / duben.

Budeme muset počkat na vývoj situace, ale předběžně počítejme s tím, že velmi brzy poté, co se obnoví chod školy, bychom si tento test napsali, odevzdali slovníčky a také si napsali i již slíbený test ze slovní zásoby 4CDCulture.

Proto bude nutné doma udělat několik věcí v rámci samostudia:

1) Přepsat si slovíčka z celé 4. lekce (4 ABCDCulture) - jak je zvykem, odevzdáme sešity při termínu čtvrtletky a práce bude hodnocena známkou.

2) Vyplnit si ve WB (pracovní sešit) str. 40, 41, 42 a 43.

3) V SB (učebnici) si přečíst str. 52 a 53 a vypracovat si úkoly do sešitu. Ty si pak zkontroluji.

Děkuji za trpělivost a spolupráci.

2. POKYNY - 18th March


Essay must be between 120-170 words long.

You must use at least 5 different words - combinations of Every-, Some-, Any-, No- and -body, -thing, -where.

You must send it to my school e-mail by Friday 27th March. You are going to get a mark for it.

Thank you! Good luck and stay safe!


PS: "by Friday" = kdykoli do pátku (tj. včetně pátku)

Obsah 3. čtvrtletní pís. práce

  •  Členy  x / a/ an / the = žádný, neurčitý či určitý člen - a to jak v místních názvech, tak i všeobecně
  • Every-, Some-, Any-, No- + -body, -thing, -where (Somebody, Anywhere, Everything,...)
  • Přítomný průběhový čas - jeho použití pro označení budoucnosti
  • Making arrangements = dohadování schůzek (jako jsme již měli vloni rozhovory typu

Shall we (see)...?/ Do you want to (see)...? / Would you like to (see)...? / Do you fancy (seeing)...?
-- Yes, sure! / Of course! / That sounds great! apod. nebo Sorry, I can't. How about...?/ What about..?

  • Navigace (dle mapy) - slovní zásoba navigace (křižovatka, kruhový objezd, semafor, zatáčka, odbočit, jít rovně..), předložky (nad, pod, kolem, podél, před, za, vedle, mezi, naproti...), místní názvy budov a míst ve městě (park, fontána, socha, sloup, škola, galerie, vězení...)
  • + další slovní zásoba především ze 4. lekce

K navigaci a předložkám posílám odkazy na fajn videa:
předložky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hk0A-L9aB94
navigace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPYJQSA-x50

Doplňující extra informace k videím:

  1. Když řeknu, že je něco "right on the corner" neznamená to "vpravo na rohu", ale "rovnou, přímo na rohu"
  2. Přechod pro chodce se řekne zebra crossing nebo crosswalk (to spíše v Amer. angličtině)
  3. "Intersection" je další výraz pro křižovatku

3. POKYNY - 19th March

WB CHECK - p. 40-43

Click on the video to check answers to the exercises.

The video is mostly in English, sometimes I explain things in detail in Czech.

How succesful were you? What were your mistakes?

Share them! Let's learn from our mistakes! :o)

Let me know in the comment section on youtube!


4. POKYNY:  23rd - 29th March

Tyto pokyny jsou úlohy na celý týden 23.3.-29.3.    ---------    Další pokyny zadám v během pondělí 30.3.

1) SB p. 52-53 - check

Check your reading skills with the new video! Let me know if you had any problems with the exercises in the comments on youtube!

2) Pronunciation practice - Listen to the readings, pause and repeat them after me to practise the rhythm of speech.

-> Choose one paragraph, practice pronuncing it and then record yourself. Send me the recording through Edupage by Friday 3rd April. There will be a mark for it.

2) SB p. 54/all exercises + 55/ ex. 1 (check next week)

3) Use your CDs from Work Books and revise unit 4. If you don't have the CDs or CD-ROMs, go to online revision: https://elt.oup.com/student/project/level3/unit04/?cc=cz&selLanguage=cs

4) Write vocabulary from unit 5AB in your "Exercise Book - English Vocabulary"

Don't forget to send me your ESSAY - Quarantine
by this Friday 27th March

5. POKYNY - 30.3.-3.4. 2020

Tyto pokyny jsou úlohy na celý týden 30.3.-3.4.    ---------    Další pokyny zadám v během pondělí 6.4.

My dear students,

First of all, I hope you are OK!!! Are you going crazy already? I am in the middle of reading your essays - it is very interesting!

Secondly, I realize that past couple of weeks have been quite busy. If you have too much to do and the deadlines are too short, please ALWAYS let me know, especially when there is a deadline. Communication is key! I will gladly discuss with you what can be done if your situation is not ideal. Just text me, email me, speak with me. I'm here to help. No stress, OK? Cool.

Thirdly, I was going a bit crazy myself with how much time I spent recording videos in Powerpoint. So I bought a special mobile phone app which allows me to record, edit and upload on youtube straight from my phone. The recording is of course in a bit different style than before. I hope it is not too bad change for you and that everything will (still?) be ok. Let me know if there are any problems, please.

Last but not least - Why do I make SB and WB videos? Ii is because I want to go through the exercises together with you just like in our normal lessons. Please, pause the videos when I tell you to do so and do the exercices just like during a normal lesson.

Sometimes, there's just a video check your homework. I decided to do this because I want you to have the results soon after you do your homework so that you can immediately understand WHY - Why the answer is this and not that...

Right, so what is there  for you this week?

YOU NEED: SB, WB, Exercise book English - Grammar, youtube videos

  • Video SB 54-55 - Homework check
  • Video SB 56-57 / Present Perfect - play and listen
  • Notes on PRESENT PERFECT in exercise book "English-Grammar" (from the photo of the board)
  • WB 44-45-46 - fill in by yourselves, check next week

6. POKYNY - 6.4.-13.4. 2020

Tyto pokyny obsahují úlohy na celé sváteční období 6.4.-13.4.    ---------    Další pokyny zadám v během úterý 14.4.

Dear students,

I hope you are doing well. As well, I hope you haven't gone mad yet. (<--- Present perfect, see?!)

Let's take it easy at this Easter time. I've only got easy, fun tasks for you to do until Tuesday 14th April when I'll contact you next. (We shall leave the WB check for the week after Easter, ok?)


  • Finish writing your 5AB vocabulary
  • Watch an English movie / at least one episode of your favourite series in English -> write me a short message on Edupage about what you chose and how easy you found the English language
  • English magazine GATE  - Go on this website http://www.bridge-online.cz/casopis-gate/gate-april-2020/ . To open the file with the magazine, click on the blue box "časopis".

7. POKYNY - 14.4.-17.4. 2020

Další pokyny zadám během pondělí 20.4.

Dear students,

I hope you enjoyed Easter and haven't eaten too much chocolate....?

Anyway, this week it is time to practise Present perfect and our conversation skills. Let's talk a bit more!

Eventually, my vision is to have live talks with you (also in order to examine the conversation topics).

You don't have to print it out, just write the answers into your exercise book. On the link bellow the worksheet, you can also click to see the results ("page 2").

  • CONVERSATION Pair-up: Choose a conversation partner from your class and get in touch with him/her. Call each other regularly and practise talking in English about anything and also on given topics. Don't be shy and try to swap conversation partners occasionally to get a bit more variety in listening practise. 
  • ENTERTAINMENT - Conversation topic: For technical reasons, I will put the conversation materials in a message via EDUPAGE.

POZOR - původně došlo k chybě - téma je změněno ze Shopping na Entertainment.

Please, note that...

  1. You have almost two weeks for this topic.
  2. At the end of next week (Thursday + Friday) I would like each and every one of you talk to me about Entertainment. I will give you details later.

8. POKYNY - 20.4.-24.4. 2020

Další pokyny zadám během pondělí 27.4.

My dear students,

it was lovely to see you and hear your voices again!

Anyway, this week it is time to practise Present perfect and our conversation skills. Let's talk a bit more!

  • SHOPPING - Conversation phonecall
    8.C - Thursday 23rd April  10:00-12:00

    8.D - Friday 24th April 10:00-12:00

  • 7. video SB 60-61
  • 8.video WB 48-49 (will be added by Wednesday)
  • Present perfect WORKSHEETS - interactive worksheets where you can get marked 🙂

You don't have to send me these, we will check the answers together next week 🙂

1) https://www.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/English_as_a_Second_Language_(ESL)/Present_perfect/Present_perfect_tu30411hl

2) https://www.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/English_as_a_Second_Language_(ESL)/Present_perfect/PRESENT_PERFECT_dh1679eu (nedělat spodní cvičení na since / for)

3) https://www.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/English_as_a_Second_Language_(ESL)/Present_perfect/Present_Perfect_Simple_is56809nn

9. POKYNY - 27.4.-30.4. 2020

Další pokyny zadám během pondělí 4.5.

My dear superstars of students,

it was lovely to see you and hear your voices again last week! I am very pleased with the conversation exam we've had. I must say I am very proud of you. My husband eavesdropped at times and said you were doing really well with your English. So there, here you have it from a native speaker! You're good. You're good enough to make a native understand you. Just believe you're great and have fun using English. It's all that matters when learning it, anyway!

  • Present perfect worksheets check
  • 9. video SB 62-60
  • 10.video WB 50-51 (will be added by Wednesday)

10. POKYNY    4.5.-7.5. 2020

Další pokyny zadám během NEJSPÍŠE  během pondělí 11.5.

My dear students,

This week is going to be a bit different.

First of all, you will have to do only one page in your SB and two worksheets on Present perfect tense 🙂  I'm sure you're happy. Please do these two things before Wednesday.

On Wednesday 6th May  and on Thursday 7th May, I plan to have online live meetings with you on ZOOM - during the times when we normally have our English lessons according to our school schedule. If you don't have zoom, please, download it.

During our Wednesday meeting, we will check the reading (and I mean only CHECK, not do it from the beginning) + we will work with present perfect worksheets. Everybody should come.

On our Thursday meeting, I'd like to have a conversation lesson. Please, come ONLY if you WANT TO SPEAK in English - I don't want to be talking to myself. We are going to start a new topic - Holidays (meaning Christmas, Easter etc.), festivals and celebrations. Below you will find some links with questions and materials.

  • SB 64 - Culture: Heroes and heroines in Britain
  • Present perfect worksheets 1 + 2
  • Conversation material: Holidays, festivals, celebrations - you don't have to use all of this material, it is more to give you ideas of what to talk about in case you don't know. I'd rather give you more than not enough.

1) Vocabulary and questions

2) Questions (you must choose from the list questions relevant to holidays=festivals and celebrations

3) Special occasions

4) Spider diagram

5) Photos

  • WEDNESDAY 6th MAY ---- live meeting on ZOOM ----- SB + Present Perfect ---- 8.C @ 8:55-9:40-----8.D @ 12:45-13:30
  • THURSDAY 7th MAY ---- live meetin on ZOOM ----- conversation --- 8.C @ 10:55-11:40 ---- 8.D @ 8:55-9:40

We will discuss next online lessons during our live meeting.

11. POKYNY    11.5.-18.5. 2020

Další pokyny zadám během pondělí 18.5.

Dear students,

Last week you had the possibility to practise your conversation skills in a live lesson with me.

Only 2 girls out of 26 people used the lesson to talk... Well done, my brave ladies!!!

This week I'd like you to work on Workbook - Revision double page. On Wednesday you will have an online TEST on Present perfect - during our scheduled lesson times. Then I have got a project prepared for you - Cooking Full English Breakfast.

  • WB 52-53 - pokyny ke cvičením v čj níže (-->> kontrola ve čtvrtek 14.5. na ZOOM v hodinách dle běžného rozvrhu)
    1. cv. - zakroužkovat slovo, se kterým se sloveso správně pojí
    2. cv. - doplnit věty útržky z rámečku v předpřítomném čase
    3. cv. - zapsat dialogy v předpř. čase
    4. cv. - zapsat dialog mezi vámi a Jimem podle tabulky (Už jsi udělal tohle? Ano / Ne)
    5. cv. - napsat celou větou, zda jste věci ze cv. 4 dělali nebo nedělali vy sami
    6. I can 1 - doplnit věty předpř. času slovy, která se tam hodí. / 2. zakroužkovat správnou variantu / 3. vytvořit dialog podle rámečku
  • TEST: Present perfect -- >> pátek 15.5. na EDUPAGE v hodinách dle běžného rozvrhu


  • Project - Full English Breakfast - you can read an article that I wrote about Full English breakfast here: https://zanetaspencer.cz/zamilujte-se-full-english-welsh-scottish-irish-breakfast/ and also watch a video (below) on how to make the dish and... yes! As your project, make the Full English Breakfast and any kind of documentation of how you made it - photo, video,... Be as creative as you wish! Surprise me!

        You only must use in it a minimum of 10 sentences in English! - The project will get a 75% mark.

         Enter the project to Edupage by Monday 25th MAY.

Also don't forget to:

  • Study vocabulary 5ABCDCulture - there will be a test in the following week.
  • Continue practising speaking on topic of Celebrations.

12. POKYNY    18.5.-25.5. 2020

Další pokyny zadám během pondělí 25.5.

Dear students,

First of all - don't forget the Full English Breakfast project.

I promised that this week we would be working on the difference between PRESENT PERFECT vs PAST SIMPLE. Check out the video where they explain the difference. Then check out the online interactive worksheets. Don't send me the results of those.

Then, do a revision of unit 5. Next week we will start unit 6.

There will be no online lesson this week.

  • Project - Full English Breakfast: minimum of 5 sentences in English. Upload on Edupage by Monday 25th MAY
  • VIDEO - Present perfect vs. Past simple (explanation)
  • Interactive worksheets - Present perfect vs past simple: check by yourselves
  • UNIT 5 REVISION - use your CD-rom from your Workbooks or go online ->>

13. POKYNY    25.5. - 1.6. 2020

Další pokyny zadám během pondělí 1.6.

Dear students,

Sorry about the late update, there were problems with my technology but luckily it is ok now. Phew.

Thank you for all your projects - I have almost full mailbox 😀 It will take me some time to go through it but let me tell you that those that I've seen so far are really great!

This week we are starting unit 6 in both Student's book and Workbook.

Have fun!


  • 11. Video - SB 68-69 / WB 54-55

14. POKYNY    1.6. - 8.6. 2020

Další pokyny zadám během úterý 9.6.

Dear students,

I don't know why there are so many technical issues everytime I want to upload your tasks. Youtube studio is playing up and the uploading took just FOREVER. I hope you can forgive me.

Last week we worked on modal verb SHOULD, this week we will work with MUST / MUSTN'T /  DON'T HAVE TO.


  • 12. Video - SB 70-71
  • 13. Video - WB 56-57 
  • FULL ENGLISH BREAKFAST project  - please, if you haven't sent it yet, do it ASAP = As soon as possible

15. POKYNY    8.6. - 15.6. 2020

Další pokyny zadám během pondělí 15.6.

Dear students,

This week half of you are supposed to be at school, half of you at home. You all will have the same amount of work. We all will work with worksheets focusing on SHOULD / SHOULDN'T. 

School-goers: will get the worksheets copied from me at school. I plan to work with them for at least 1 lesson this week. The 2nd lesson will be either continuation and / or conversation.

Home-stayers: will have to print the materials out themselves, fill them in and send them to me on Edupage.


Get the worksheets from Edupage - they will be added on Tuesday 9th June.