Language Teachers Festival + My first workshop

My dears,

let me share with you a memory of last weekend’s events that moved me yet another step closer to my dreams.

During the last weekend my friend Nina Hanáková hosted her 3rd Language Teachers Festival – and I was deeply honoured by her invitation to do a life-coaching workshop there.

Some people might not believe it, but I am actually quite a shy person when surrounded by a larger group of people, so I knew it would be a bit of a challenge for me. Yet, based on my previous experience with this festival, I was also sure it was going to be fine and it would end up being a time to remember. And I was right!

The festival itself was simply phenomenal:

🔸Approx. 30 (mostly) female professionals from around the world sharing their love of teaching, entrepreneurship and constant self-development

🔸Wholesome, holistic workshops with highly skilled and knowledgeable speakers educating us in personal coaching, language coaching, business coaching, understanding more our roles as teachers or looking into implementing the biorhythm of the seasons into our work schedules

  • Cheers to my fellow speakers: Ola Kowalska, Gabriella Kovács, Karen Tharrington, Mark Andrews and Lenka Chrenščová ❤

🔸Bright and modern premises brought to perfection by colourful handmade décor and lovely handmade nibbles

🔸Friendly, homely, joyful and magical atmosphere with no PowerPoint presentations, so unlike any other language conference. It really was a true FESTIVAL!

🔸A raffle for prices where everyone was a winner in the end as everyone started pinching in with their own offers of prizes to simply share the happiness of helping someone else to get further on their personal or professional path

🔸An incredible networking opportunity turning this a heartfelt celebration of what it means to be together as colleagues and not a competition. We all felt connected and left with many friends and contacts which I am sure are to blossom into some marvellous cooperations. I can’t wait to see that!

🔹If I should sum this event up with key words, it would be these🔹

Friendships, collegiality, sharing, caring, openness, togetherness, cooperation, kindness, heart, emotions, (self)acceptance, learning, knowledge, self-awareness, wisdom, beauty, poetry, fun, joy, unity, hope


My personal take from this event goes even deeper:

💜 I did my FIRST EVER workshop. And I did it twice. Yes! TWICE. IN. A. ROW. With a 20 minute break! 😃 Not bad for a workshop newbie, right? Not bad at all. 😊

💜 I have accepted a challenge and overcome some of my deepest fears and strongest inner saboteurs. They tried their best, I won’t lie😊, but I didn’t let them win and that’s what makes me really proud of myself!

💜 I did something from scratch all by myself. For someone who is always full of ideas, has got several journal filled with plans and dreams but has a trouble starting and / or finishing a project when working alone.. My, oh my, let me tell you straightaway that only THAT in itself is a massive achievement 😃

💜 I could also see what things I might work on to improve – my own performance as well as the content. I love that I can learn from my own experience. In the past, my need for having things utterly perfect would have stopped me from ever trying to turn my vision into reality. Luckily, learning how to work with my own saboteurs I have gone through with this and have made my dream of having my own workshop come true. I want to give myself thanks for that, too.

💜 I loved how yet again giving myself a goal had the ability to spark my creativity and joy of working. I am very proud of all the things I have done and made for this event and really loved all the little “behind the scenes” things that don’t go public but are needed for a smooth ride of events. I am glad that this way I could gain yet more appreciation for any organizers, creators, speakers, artists,…

💜 Based on the lovely, positive feedback I received from the attendants I have faith my knowledge and skills can help someone change their life – and that gives me all the more reason to continue with this path of life-coaching and doing self-developmental workshops. I already have some ideas. I am excited to see where my future path leads me to!

💜 I met some fantastic people whose friendship I will cherish forever and I cannot wait to start some great cooperations!

If you are a language teacher, I guarantee you that this event is where you really want to go to educate yourselves.

If you are a person dreaming of something – maybe to speak one day at a conference, like me – but feel like it is one of the wildest dreams that can never happen… Then, my dear, believe it and just do it. Do what you can for it.

💜Go live your dreams.💜

And if you need a help with it, send me a message and I can help you out.

Už přes patnáct let žiju angličtinou a kulturou britských ostrovů- jak profesionálně, tak v soukromí. Pomáhám lidem zkrotit anglickou gramatiku, vidět ji jako přehledný systém, a tím získat pocit sebejistoty při komunikaci v angličtině. Více o mně si můžete přečíst zde.